TiFs ERiK von DeTTeN SiTe
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Soon Coming and whats New!!

Neat Things:
New Message Board (Click on Chat and more)
Erik von Detten Club Yahoo! (Click on Chat and more)
Erik von Detten Chat MSN (Click on chat and more)
Fun Quizzes (Click on chat and more)September 16
I added 2 new awards today! Thank you for giving me this award! I really appreciate it!

Recommend me here!

Soon coming to this site..
1. I will have links to your personal pages like, about you, your fav bands & groups...

2. Awards you can win from my site!

3. Some really neat games and horoscopes..

4, New interviews with Erik von Detten.

5. More address' of your favorite stars.

6. More pictures of Erik. Click on Pictures now!

And More..

You got any questions that you want answered or some suggestions I would greately appreciate it!